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00:00 intro 07:33 t1's lv1 sion strat 17:24 sion vs fiora 27:01 sion vs enemy jungle 39:57: sion vs jax pt1 46:15 sion bot 49:46 sion tank mid 55:00 camp the sion 01:02:52 sion vs darius 01:09:36 sion mid vs cassiopia 01:15:55 sion vs jax pt2 (got shit on) 01:26:12 sion vs illaoi Each video we try to find the best moment in Tyler1's stream in which he talk about a specific topic(mainly League of Legend related), an event or a special move he done in his gameplay... and through our creative editing process, we transform it to something more fun and more entertain to fit the Youtube viewers who weren’t able to watch the live in real-time. ► Credit: • Twitch: ► Follow us on social media! • Twitter: © LoDravenn have Tyler1's full permission to upload his content on Youtube. On LoDravenn you'll find all the greatest highlights from your favorite streamer Tyler1 combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend hours of editing to transform the raw vod into something unique you can't find anywhere else! #tyler1 #loltyler1
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